Projexe and Rent-Smart
Projexe SA Pty Ltd
I founded Projexe SA a development management consultancy, assisting property developers in the process of acquiring land, conceptualising property developments and managing the development process from inception to completion.
The project portfolio built up during this period was incorporated into Delta BEC when I joined them in 2009.
I co-founded Rent-Smart a property management company set up to manage the properties of property investors. The service included the sourcing of reliable tenants and the management of maintenance. The company's unique service offering was the inclusion of a rental guarantee to ensure continued rental income when tenants ceased to pay rent and the management of the eviction process.
A custom built online platform formed the backbone of the business allowing local property agents and landlords online access to all property records and information and automated sign up and communication processes.
The business was sold in 2009.